Workshop in Instrumentation, Sensors, and Engineering (WISE)

This project will introduce 20 teachers from two Lower Hudson school districts and two Long Island school districts to hands-on engineering design in an intensive two-week (August 13–24, 2007) residential workshop at NYU Tandon School of Engineering. Participating teachers will have their technical competency enhanced through professional development in the areas of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM).

Teachers will be introduced to sensors instrumentation, and engineering in a structured and integrated learning environment. Guided training consisting of lectures, tutorials, structured engineering workshops, and discussions will expose the teachers to foundational elements of engineering through the use of sensors and computerized data acquisition. The program will make extensive use of team-based, real-world, engineering design projects based on the components of National Science Foundation (NSF) funded Project Revitalizing Achievement using Instrumentation in Science Education (RAISE). Teachers will be expected to reside on campus in the NYU Tandon School of Engineering residence hall for the duration of the project in order that they may pursue their studies with a minimum of distractions, and in order to facilitate the development of a supportive network of teachers dedicated to their students' pre-engineering studies. Moreover, professional and social meetings will be held to enable participating teachers to network with engineering faculty and practitioners from the engineering community.

By the end of the project, participants will have completed 70 hours of in class professional development. In addition, in the evenings and weekend participants are expected to take part in planned activities which will expose them to current engineering issues and achievements. These supplemental activities will provide an additional 15 hours of professional development.