Hau-yu Chu and Daniella DiLacqua
This week, our team refocused our efforts and found a wonderful project for our research. Ashwin Kumar is mentoring a group of high school students who are creating a stroke rehabilitation device. The students are focused on reading data from sensors and programming in MatLab to create a graphical output of joint rotations. Our team is focused on constructing the prototype of this device, validating the sensors, and determining the most appropriate applications for this device’s use. This week included lots of research on current stroke rehabilitation methods and other devices and methods of measuring joint rotation. We kept organized, utilizing Trello.com to help us with our project management. Supplies were ordered and the prototype is in early stages. We hope to refine the prototype and validate the sensors in our last week of RET.
Phil Cook and Iulian Irimina
This week our research focused on the setup and implementation of two Arduino Yun microprocessors as hybrid objects. We were able to successfully create each Arduino Yun into a hybrid object, and created an ad-hoc network between the two devices. Our work included validation of functionality by creating a virtual slider which is overlaid as an augmented reality image onto the marker associated with the hybrid object. This slider was coded to control light emission by a LED. By the end of the week, we were able to network both Arduinos and use sensors on either Arduino hybrid object to control one or more LEDs through the creation of virtual links within the hybrid editor app. The attached images show two unique markers, each one associated with a different hybrid object (Arduino Yun, also visible in the photo). The blue sliders are the augmented reality controllers that are linked to the visible LEDs.